Type of Movie/Conventions

 The type of movie I am trying to create is a movie that will grab my viewers attention but at the same time make sure they understand what exactly it is I am trying to get across. I want to create a romantic drama genre film with a story line that everyone will get and comprehend well enough. Personally I enjoy a really good drama film with alogside something that makes viewers not know what to expect next. Although I am aware that not everyone enjoys the same thing I still intend on making this film enjoyable for everyone. While in the process of making this film, I would be aware that this will not go over the required time of 2 minutes.

Some of the most common themes of a romantic drama are love at first sight, forbidden love, or even a tragic love. Personally, I would like to create a tragic love romantic drama. I recently just came up with an idea that I think will be really good. Most importantly I am really interested in my idea and am very excited to see how it turns out. The most typical soundtrack, also referred to as music, is a piano that can go from a sad tone to a upbeat and cheerfulness tone. The sound goes well with the details of the film because it adds a different level of meaning to the film aside from everything else. When referring to the characters of a romantic drama there is a various amount. The most seen type of characters as seen per popular romantic dramas are a male and female who are the lead characters. The two are what the film mostly focus on as the filmmaker takes us through the journey and story behind these two relationships. Another type of main character in these types of films are the friends and family of both main characters. The emotions and actions of these characters may be crucial in the event of things and are always signiicant in some sort of way. But most importantly, they add on another sense of drama even if it's through their body language or the types of dialouge they have throughout the film. It also depends the relationship they have between theirsleves and the main character(s).

 Source 1:  


Source 2: codes and conventions of drama/teen drama


Source 3: conventions of the drama genre



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