Details, Details, Details!!!

The locations of my film is sort of undecided but at the same time I have an idea but still all at the same time, I have no idea lol. It is basically mapped out in my head so I am just hoping that it will just piece together so that the outcome will be really great. I find it rather a bit of a challenge for me because I don't have actors so the question to ask myself would be "does it make sense to travel to real life shooting locations even though I have no one to act?"

When I first started off with this film, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing! I didn't have any type or vision or inspiration of some sort to help kind of made it more known which path I wanted to take. I continued on and finally got inspired, although it was a bit in the later stage I still got it which I am proud of. Everything was going so well for me until another problem was in my way. For this film project I had such great ideas for it and thought it all out in my head PERFECTLY. Or so I thought at least. Sadly enough, there will be no one to act in my film. This is because I literally have absolutely no one to help me. I knew I couldn't play both of the characters and that I wanted to be behind the scenes of everything. While making the scheduling for the project, I do have to consider the fact that I don't have any actors. This will be a bit of a challenge for me but I have faith in myself that the project will piece together by itself and kind of just flow collectively with a bit of direction. 


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